Minggu, 04 Agustus 2024

Don't miss anything

In the quiet corner where moon greets the sun,
They both smile, a moment so peacefully spun.
Awaiting the wind's gentle caress,
To fill every space, leaving no room for loneliness.

The moon's gentle glow, the sun's warm embrace,
Creating a moment of harmony and grace.
Together they linger, in the tranquil air,
A dance of light and shadow, beyond compare.

As they meet in the sky, a celestial display,
Chasing away the shadows, lighting up the way.
No room for longing, no space for regret,
Just the beauty of now, a moment to beget.

So let us learn from the moon and the sun,
To embrace each moment, until the day is done.
For in the quiet corners, where light meets dark,
There lies the beauty, of a heartfelt spark.